Mark Black, known for his dark humour, sharp parodies, and musical comedy. Together with his brother Paul, he gained millions of views on viral sketches like “People Make Glass” and “Stop Filming Me, Courtney,” which led to writing their BBC sketch show, Pity Party (2019).
In 2022, Mark sold out shows in Glasgow and Edinburgh with his stand-up debut, Chindiana Jones: The Bin Raider of Mosspark, and was the runner-up in the UK-wide competition So You Think You’re Funny at the Edinburgh Fringe. The following year, he packed the Pavilion Theatre in Glasgow with his stand-up musical sketch show, The Drink, The Drugs, The Scratchcairds, earning a 4-star review from The Herald.
Fluent in French and Spanish, Mark has even performed stand-up in French. As a skilled guitarist and pianist, he wrote songs for the BBC New Year special First Footing (2022) and released the nationwide hit “The Randan” under the character Tony Turmeric. He plans to release a full album in 2025 and bring his musical The Drink, The Drugs, The Scratchcairds to the SEC Armadillo in February 2025.